Accelerated orthodontic treatment (or accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (AAO)) is a dental displacement method that reduces the time needed to permanently move teeth into a desired position by creating aweakened bone condition.
Accelerated osteogenic orthodontics is well documented and results in treatment outcomes routinely produced in 6 to 9 months of active orthodontic care.
While dentists may treat some orthodontic conditions in very short time periods, for example, “Six Month Smiles”, this approach may not address all the features which would otherwise be treated in an extended orthodontic treatment program. The ideal use of accelerated orthodontics is to offer a patient a viable alternative to porcelain veneers when they want straight teeth but do not want to invest years in traditional orthodontics.
The exception to this is when braces are used in combination with alveolar decortication to produce a rapid orthodontic outcome wherein the patient’s malocclusion is treated comprehensively